Chartered Accountants for Dentists & Hygienists – FOLLOW Us on Twitter @AccountantsDent
McCarthy Accountants have over 35 years experience providing specialist accountancy and taxation services to Dental professionals.
Our clients include Dental Consultants and Dental Hygienists, from sole practitioners to large partnerships. We also act for Dental Surgeons, Orthodontic Dentists and other healthcare dental professionals including dental nurses and Technicians , whether sole practitioners, partnerships or limited companies.
With over 35 years experience with matters relating to the Dental profession. We have built up a close relationship with all our medical and dental clients and are keen to ensure that they receive the very best advice. We are fully conversant with the latest medical and dental financial and taxation developments.
Running a successful Dental practice is highly demanding. Not only do you need first class medical knowledge but also all the skills of running a modern, profitable business.
We specialise in dealing with the needs of clients in the dental profession, especially in the area of tax minimisation and retirement provision.
We aim to literally take all the stress out of structuring your practice as tax-efficiently as possible by taking into account your personal requirements.
We find that each Dentist, Hygienist or Surgeon is unique in their approach to their practice and their financial affairs.
However, the vast majority wish to investigate ways of minimising their tax liabilities with a view to either providing for their retirement or investing in the further development of their practices.
McCarthy Accountants provide a service that is tailored to YOUR needs. Call Now 014977651 for a FREE Initial Consultation or insert your details in the form & we will contact you >>>>
For more information please follow us on Twitter @AccountantsDent or see below:-
Update May 2012 Dental Practices – Revenue Employment Classification Project
Dental Practices may be aware of a recent circular issued from the Irish Dental Association in relation to Revenue’s views on the employment classification of associates and hygienists engaged by dental practices.
We have recently been advised by Revenue that it has written to the Irish Dental Association stating that from 1 January 2012 dental workers who in Revenue’s view are employees must have PAYE operated on their payments. An extract of this letter has been made available to us and is reproduced here for your reference.
The Revenue correspondence is reproduced ‘as is’ and reads as follows:
“Employment Status of Dental Associates and Dental Hygienists engaged by Dental Practices
Revenue have considered the circumstances surrounding the engagement of dental associates and dental hygienists in dental practices, having regard to the criteria set out in The Code of Practice for Determining Employment or Self Employment Status of Individuals and relevant case law. It is the Revenue view that generally speaking associates and hygienists engaged by dental practices are engaged under a contract of service (i.e. they are employees) and their remuneration comes within the scope of PAYE and that PAYE should be operated on all payments from 1st January 2012.
It is accepted that there may be exceptional cases where the terms of engagement differ from the norm and in these instances Revenue is prepared to look at these on a case-by-case basis. Revenue will consider each case on its own merits and in cases of doubt a submission, outlining the terms and conditions of the engagement should be submitted by the dentist or the hygienist to their local Revenue District for consideration.”
Dentistry Practices may need to consider the implications of the circular vis-à-vis PAYE, also with regards to PSWT withheld since 1 January 2012.
The Revenue Commissioners have advised at a recent meeting of the TALC Audit subcommittee that they have written to the Irish Dental Association stating that from 1 January 2012 all dental workers who in Revenue’s view are employees must have PAYE operated on their payments.
View the circular which issued to the Irish Dental Association members.